One of the challenges many bloggers face is finding the time to blog regularly. One way to deal with this is to reset your expectations. Blogging every day is a worthwhile goal, but it may not be realistic for bloggers with many other responsibilities. Perhaps three times a week, or even just once, is a more achievable goal.
Something else that may get in your way is the idea that every post has to be a certain length. Many of the articles and posts I put online are in the range of 400 – 600 words. Some bloggers write longer posts, perhaps 800 to 1000 or more words. However, there is no rule that says posts must be at least a certain number of words, or that all of your posts must be the same length. In fact, there is no rule that says your posts have to have words at all. Posting a video or a photograph (your own or one that you may legally use) can make a good post.
Try mixing it up. Continue to write some posts with your usual word count, but also do some that are short. For example, if your usual posts examine an issue in depth, do some quick tips that are just 150 – 250 words. Or link to a blog post or website that you found useful, with a brief description of what you liked about it.
These short posts can be created as you run across interesting ideas and sites, or you can set aside an hour or two now and then to stockpile several posts.
Here are some additional ideas for quick posts:
Put up a poll. Many blogging platforms have poll applications built in. Run a poll and get input from your readers about an issue. Then write a post about the poll results. That means you get at least two blog posts from one poll.
Answer a question from one of your readers. I get lots of email questions, and sometimes publish a question and my answer as a blog post. Watch for questions in your blog’s comments, too.
Share a favorite quotation, and add a bit of commentary about why you like it or what it means to you. Here’s an example from my blog:
Do you ever write blog posts such as “Seven Ways to …” or “Six Things You Need to Know About…”? Take a point from one of those articles and expand on it. For example, I could take any of the individual marketing ideas from this article and create a new post with more details on that idea.
Have an open mind about what a blog post can be and you will find many opportunities to create interesting and useful posts for your readers.